
Showing posts from October, 2016

"Loving My Soul" Meaning

If you've seen my blog Loving My Soul by Kathryn Palacio or Kathryn Palacio - Loving My Soul Facebookpage , you may have seen the tag line, “Loving My Soul” and wondered, “What does loving my soul mean?” In this post, I want to explain a bit about what "Loving My Soul" means to me, how it is about each of us discovering and loving who we are, the overall purpose of what I want to share through my LovingMySoul blog, Kathryn Palacio YouTube channel, and Kathryn Palacio - Loving My Soul Facebook page. With that said, "Loving My Soul" is said at the individual level. To apply the phrase, loving our souls is about figuring out what makes us happy, what makes our hearts sing, what sets our souls on fire. Each of us will have our own special mix of the magic of life that helps us to love and nourish our souls and to shine our brightest with our own unique purposes. This beautiful journey of life is about learning how to clear away what is no longer need in our live

Fall Is a Season for Letting Go

Fall always seems like a bittersweet time of year, an exquisite balance of beauty and sorrow. As the leaves begin to turn gorgeous shades of yellow and red and start falling from the trees, it seems fitting to begin letting go of things that no longer serve us. This could be outmoded relationships, friendships, thought patterns, behavioral patterns, and fears. Any ideas that keep us playing small, prevent us from being our true selves, stand in the way of us being the full expression of our souls, and keep us from being love. In my time on this planet, I have found that one of the main purposes of all beings/souls is to be love, to become love, to love, to remove all obstacles to being love. Fall reminds me of a farmer burning the brush from a field so that there is space and nutrients for seeds that he plants to grow come spring time. This season epitomizes transformation, alchemy, transmutation, our notions of our life and who we think we are burning down around us so that we c