
Showing posts from January, 2017

Tools for Empaths

Have you ever had someone tell you a story about an injury they received, and you could literally feel the pain or uneasiness in the area of the body that they were describing? If so, you may be very empathetic and possibly empthic. Empathy is a good thing. It helps us to relate to those around us, to be able to put ourselves in their shoes, and to be able to think through how our words or actions might impact others. Empathy also allows us to see where other people’s wounds or struggles are so that we can be mindful and choose to react from a place of love and compassion instead of frustration or anger. Growing up, I do not think I realized how sensitive I was to those around me. As a child, I loved animals, felt a very strong connection to them, and could often understand them and their needs better than the adults around me could. I definitely needed my alone time. I loved to be immersed in books or out in nature. As a teenager, I often had severe mood swings and frequently f