
Showing posts from August, 2017

Holding the Field - Part 2

As I mentioned in the blog post,  Holding the Field , some people are the touch stone for others when life is stressful. Sometimes what we do to hold the field may not be observable or obvious, but I believe the impact and can be felt. I wanted to provide a specific example to illustrate ways to hold the field. In April 2016, I attended a yoga retreat. As we were preparing for a ceremony, the facilitator asked everyone to form circles and to quiet down. Many of the women were chatting and milling about finding a place to sit. I was sitting in the circle at the center of the room breathing deeply, anchoring in peace, love, and tranquility, and visualizing love and light radiating from my heart and body into the room. The woman next to me placed her hand in mine, and those in our circle sat there holding hands silently, as the hubbub slowly quieted. Me sitting there peacefully and sending love to everyone in the room was me holding the field. My heart was simply overflowing with calmn

Practicing Self-Care

How often do we pause and look around at the "culture of busy" that surrounds us and the toll that it takes on us when we partake in that mindset? A couple of years ago, I read an article where the person committed to not use the word "busy" as a response when asked how they have been, and it is a noble goal. Busy as they may be, I find that people tend to make time for the things that are important to them. With all of the obligations in our lives (family, work, school, etc.), one of the most deserving, and often most neglected, areas of our lives is practicing self-care, including finding balance and truly nourishing ourselves. I have often heard the saying that "it is difficult to fill up the cups of others when yours is empty". One of my favorite mugs from a dear friend and beautiful, luminous soul. When I was in college, one of my mentors would say, "It is more difficult to cut with a dull blade. Sometimes it's important to take the t