Holding the Field - Part 2

As I mentioned in the blog post, Holding the Field, some people are the touch stone for others when life is stressful. Sometimes what we do to hold the field may not be observable or obvious, but I believe the impact and can be felt. I wanted to provide a specific example to illustrate ways to hold the field.

In April 2016, I attended a yoga retreat. As we were preparing for a ceremony, the facilitator asked everyone to form circles and to quiet down. Many of the women were chatting and milling about finding a place to sit. I was sitting in the circle at the center of the room breathing deeply, anchoring in peace, love, and tranquility, and visualizing love and light radiating from my heart and body into the room. The woman next to me placed her hand in mine, and those in our circle sat there holding hands silently, as the hubbub slowly quieted. Me sitting there peacefully and sending love to everyone in the room was me holding the field. My heart was simply overflowing with calmness and love.

Several months later on the night of the 2016 US presidential election, the tension, anxiety, anger, and despair in the air was almost palpable. So many Americans were passionate about the outcome of the election, and although I do not own a TV, I could feel all of those emotions swirling around me. When the tension was high enough, instead of obsessing over who the winner would be and checking the polling results, I sat down on my bolster in my meditation spot, and I began to meditate. I consciously chose to call in a sense of safety, peace, and love in for all of those who were in disbelief and turmoil that night. I visualized myself grounding and anchoring those positive vibrations in a tumultuous sea of emotions. Hate is divisive, anger poisonous, and anxiety and anger debilitating. With those kinds of emotions swirling through the collective what could I do? Meditate. Why did I decide to meditate that night? The best way that I can describe it is that I felt compelled - it was what was needed from me most in that moment; to call in safety, peace, and love. Did me projecting calm and peace into the world make a difference? To me it felt like it did.

A few months later in January 2017, a friend invited me to a women's march. Part of me wanted to go, and the other part did not. When I leaned into the feeling, I realized that I was not sure which way the mood/tide of the event might go, whether it would be a peaceful march, an angry march, or a mix of both. That uncertainty made part of me want to run the other direction from participating. I knew several women whom I love and respect preparing to attend the march, and I felt torn. The situation made me think of a quote from Mother Teresa,
I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there.” 
Because of the uncertainty regarding the tone of the event, I began to realize that me participating in the march was not the best way that I could contribute. I wanted to be conscious of what I was giving my focus, attention and energy to that day. I found that my most valuable contribute would be to mediate during the march, putting a bubble of protection and love around all of the activities of the march, and holding space for all of those who were participating. Thus, I sat down on my bolster in my meditation spot, and I called in the light, love, safety, and peace for all those who were at the march that day. According to those I know who were there, the march was very peaceful and powerful. When I described the action I had taken, someone even told me that now that I mentioned it, she had felt the whole event wrapped in love and safety. 

I think that the biggest take away for me about learning to hold my field is that my contribution does not have to be flashy, I do not have to be super charismatic and engaging, I do not have to captivate the room, and no one even really has to know that I am making the contribution. My contributions fill my heart with love and hope; they feel good to my soul, and that is enough for me. Holding the field can be as simple as healing our own wounds so that we no longer have buttons for others to push. 

Whether  our purpose is to be an activist, healer, leader, teacher, dreamer, unifier, alchemist, anchor, pillar of light, etc., it will be clear that we are on the right path when our hearts and souls sing. We each have a beautiful, unique purpose. We each bring our own special shade of color to help paint the sunrise of life. Sometimes when we take the time to examine our resistance to something, when we lean in to our feelings, we find the most fitting solution and path for ourselves. 

Here is wishing you much joy and happiness along the path. As always, take what speaks to you and leave the rest. 

Many blessings!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/kathrynpalacio1111
Instagram: lovingmysoul1111
YouTube: Kathryn Palacio
Website: www.lovingmysoul.com


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