
Showing posts from July, 2018

Visual Images/Inputs/Stimuli That Are Ties to the Past

As I mention in my Update - Upgrades for Visual Images/Inputs/Stimuli That Are Ties to the Past YouTube video, sometimes we may not realize that what we surround ourselves with visually, at home or at work, may tie us to the past. They say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. When people look into our eyes, they can see into our souls. Thinking that through, I would say that by extension, what we are seeing around us, we are taking into/using to stimulate our souls by inspiring us or reminding us of certain things. Recently, I began to upgrade the images and visuals around me, and I thought the examples of ties to the past and ideas for upgrades might be helpful to others. On one wall in my home, I had several images I had taken in Tulum, Mexico. The photos were absolutely gorgeous. The sky was blue, the water was blue, the beach looked white and pristine, and the sun was shining. They seemed like ideal pictures for someone who is drawn to water; however, when I started dig