Visual Images/Inputs/Stimuli That Are Ties to the Past

As I mention in my Update - Upgrades for Visual Images/Inputs/Stimuli That Are Ties to the Past YouTube video, sometimes we may not realize that what we surround ourselves with visually, at home or at work, may tie us to the past. They say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. When people look into our eyes, they can see into our souls. Thinking that through, I would say that by extension, what we are seeing around us, we are taking into/using to stimulate our souls by inspiring us or reminding us of certain things. Recently, I began to upgrade the images and visuals around me, and I thought the examples of ties to the past and ideas for upgrades might be helpful to others.

On one wall in my home, I had several images I had taken in Tulum, Mexico. The photos were absolutely gorgeous. The sky was blue, the water was blue, the beach looked white and pristine, and the sun was shining. They seemed like ideal pictures for someone who is drawn to water; however, when I started digging a little deeper into the images with which I was surrounding myself, I realized that these photos from Tulum subtly, even subconsciously, reminded me of a time in my life when I was not at my best. The time period was circa 2013, and I was in the Riviera Maya for a destination wedding. At that time, I was healing from a breakup that had left a large, dark, jagged hole in my heart and soul. Each time that I looked at those photos on my wall, there was a subtle remembrance of  the pain I was feeling at that time. I began to realize that seeing these images daily was a tie to my past, to a time when I was not at my best, and I was thereby, being reminded of that time and sending my energy toward the past.

Copyright 2018 Kathryn Palacio. A beautiful image from Glastonbury Abbey
 in Glastonbury, England. 

This takes me back to the analogy about a path through a meadow that I often give when talking about if we decide to change our thought, behavioral, and/or emotional patterns. Imagine a particular thought, behavior, or emotion as a well-worn path through a meadow. If we no longer want to practice that thought, behavior, or emotion, then instead of walking down that well-worn path, we can strike out through the middle of the meadow where there is no path. As we frequent the middle of the meadow where there was once no path, we gradually begin to create one. If we continue to forge the new path through the meadow and no longer traverse the old worn one, gradually, the old path begins to become overgrown and fade away, and the new path becomes clearer and more worn. Even though I was not really walking down the old path related to who I was when I had visited Tulum when I took those photos, I realized that by having those images up in my home that I was still occasionally traversing those paths, be it unintentionally. By these subtle reminders of the past, I was still sending my energy to pieces of who I used to be.

Now do not get me wrong, I appreciate everything that has occurred in my life to make me into the person I am today; however, to fully step into who I am, it was necessary for me to make some upgrades to what was hanging on that wall in my home. For several months, the frames with the images of Tulum sat on the floor near my dinning room table with vacant hooks on the wall. Finally, I decided to hang some sacred attumement art created by a very talented artist who inspires me in that space. Each and every day that I spend time in my home in the area where that attunement art hangs, instead of being subtly pulled to the past, I now have very high vibrational art the inspires creativity, playfulness, purpose, passion, and unconditional love. Sounds like an awesome upgrade to me!

 In another room where my closet is, I had some travel pictures of me that someone else had taken that were on the wall from around 2010. These pictures of me were all in gorgeous locations: me standing next to roses in Roman Forum in Rome, Italy; me standing next to a sphinx in the Vatican Museum in the Vatican City; me standing at the Acropolis in Athans, Greece; me standing next to the Arno River in Florence, Italy, and etc. The thing was, in each of these photos I was not truly happy. These photos were taken at a time when I was living my life the way that I thought I "should". Have you ever heard the phrase, "Don't should on yourself." I was not in alignment with who I really am. Thus, again, seeing those images each and every day that I was in my home was linking me to the past and a time when I was not at my best, although the initial intention of the images was to remind me of all of the wonderful places that I have been and will go. The upgrade to this space was also some sacred attunement art to remind me of my purpose and alignment with playfulness, service to others, healing/wholeness, and high vibrations. Again, sounds like a fabulous upgrade to me.

With upgrading our spaces with high vibration imagery in mind, I wanted to share some other examples of  what we can use:
  • Mantras -  Mantras are words of power that align us with a particular vibration. Images or artwork with a specific mantra on them are a great way to raise the vibration of and bring beauty to one's space while providing a gentle reminder be mindful of or focus on a particular mantra each day. 

Copyright 2018 Kathryn Palacio. A vinyl decal of a Sri Yantra (Sri Chakra) 
that is on my wall where I typically make my YouTube videos. 

  • Yantras - You may be more familiar with mantras, mentioned above. In that same vein, a yantra is a 2-D representation of a particular vibration. Yantras are used for visual meditations to attune one's self with the energy represented by the yantra. To meditate on the yantra, the person gazes as a focal point called the bindu. I have a Sri Yantra on the wall of my home where I create my YouTube videos. For me, the Sri Yantra represents the unification of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, which is related to my purpose. Each of us has these qualities within us that require balancing, unification/integration, and healthy expression. In the Sri Yantra, the upward pointing triangles represent the masculine, the downward pointing triangles represent the feminine. The triangles are then encircled by two lotuses. I believe that the square shape on the outside represents the universe, and the four t-shapes represent gates. When I personally look at the Sri Yantra, the triangles morph and shift, and the lotus flowers seem to turn. A very cool experience. 
Copyright 2018 Kathryn Palacio. Chakra symbol pendants. 
  • Chakra symbols - I also have some pendants decorating an area of my home. The ones shown in the picture above are the symbols for the seven main chakras in the human body. I also have a Sri Yantra pendant that I carry around with me and I showed in my YouTube video because I was not at home. Additionally I have a similar pendant of the Kali Yantra and of the Tibetan Dzogchen symbol (which represents the letter A and the sound ahh). Looking at the symbol for the heart chakra, for example, can put us more in touch with our heats, especially the highest, purest vibration of that chakra. 

Copyright 2018 Kathryn Palacio. Religious "Christmas Tree" Ornaments. 
  • Religious symbols - Many religious symbols can also help to raise the vibration of a space. I have symbols in my home in the form of "Christmas ornaments", such as the Egyptian Ank, the Kabbahlistic Sefirot, the Hindu Om, Tibetian Endless Knot, and the Sri Yantra. Choosing a symbol that is positive and meaningful can provide connection to the bigger world around us. 

Copyright 2018 Kathryn Palacio. Sacred Geometry "Christmas Tree" Ornaments. 
  • Sacred geometry - Sacred geometry are some of the most powerful imagery that can help to raise the vibration of our space. Sacred geometry is often found in nature, so I typically find images of sacred geometry very relaxing and balancing. Scientists have also discovered that if sound is vibrated through water or sand (cymatics) that the vibration creates geometric patterns in the medium, very similar to sacred geometry. 

Copyright 2018 Kathryn Palacio. Sacred geometry prayer flags. 

  • Prayer flags - Prayer flags are a great vibrational upgrade to one's space and often have images or specific mantras on them, like "Peace", "Love", "Hope", "Joy", "Om Mani Padme Hum", and etc. I show an example of some prayer flags with sacred geometry on them. I have two sets of prayer flags with sacred geometry and one set with "Om Mani Padme Hum" on them. 
  • Inspirational quotes - These days it is easy to find decor featuring inspirational quotes. Nothing like an upgrade to your space that reminds you where you are going. 
  • Inspirational artwork - There are so many talented artists who create inspirational artwork. I gave the example of sacred attunement art, which I find very powerful. I recommend finding artwork that really speaks to your inner child or your hopes and dreams. 
With these examples of visual upgrades to one's space, I hope that it is just the beginning in your brainstorming of what is possible with your space to help remove unnecessary ties to the past and to add in pieces that help you focus on who you are now, what makes you happy, what brings joy and inspiration into your life, and the magnificent places you are going. 

As always, take what speaks to you and leave the rest. 

Many, many blessings!


Instagram: lovingmysoul1111
YouTube: Kathryn Palacio

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