
Showing posts from 2019


Mythical creature, alchemical symbol Fearsome beast, scorcher of earth and man Tales of people attacked and gold you hoard Seeding fearful and gallant hearts of aspiring heroes  Mustering courage to attack you with savagery In the name of bravery and mastering the world and self Besting you, claiming victory and your golden hoard So goes the heroes journey, naively incomplete Timid hearts, newly awakened, see not your true treasure The catalyst that changes air to fire, purifying deeply Knowledge of the ages, opened only to those with the key Dimensional wisdom, symbolized living in earth and air Yet mortal hearts are awakening with light streaming in Thirsting for knowledge, wisdom, truth, and purification Seeking continued mastery through higher teachings Hearing the whispers of the dragons undiscovered riches Questioning the faerie tales of dragons from days of yore Channeling the power and wisdom of these majestic teachers Finding

Happiness - Figuring Out Our Own Recipes - Part 2

Inspired by my YouTube video Happiness - Figuring Out Our Own Recipes , in  Part 1 of Happiness - Figuring Out Our Own Recipes , I discussed how the topic of happiness came up at a dinner one night, how many of those in attendance were surprised when I said that I'm 98% happy most of the time, that people assume that I have had a super easy life if I am indeed so happy, and I shared some of the examples that I gave the other dinner goers regarding happiness. In Part 2, I want to continue the discussion of how we can cultivate happiness in our own lives. During the dinner where we were discussing happiness, as well as in a conversation with self-development facilitator Andrew I mentioned in Part 1, I described how I've had struggles in my life and used to be a really sarcastic/wounded person. However, for the past few years, instead of turning to sarcasm, I seek very meaningful, open, and honest conversations with people. Connecting deeply with others is very fulfilling for

Healing the Inner Child

See her, huddled, withering away Like a vase with numerous cracks Ready for growth and blooming But the water seeps out too quickly Wash away her limiting beliefs Shake off the opinions of others Loosen the chains of harsh judgement Remove choking clamp of control Bring the full personality into her body Sit with the wounded, hurt inner child Comfort and love her tearful agony Feel the discomfort in her belly Fear, anger, and rage stuffed deep inside Breathe forgiveness that transforms pain Releasing the festering blockages Making way for nourishment and love Help her gather the pieces of herself that she hid Show her how to put them back in place Fuse them together with rainbow light Until golden seams sparkle, wholeness anew Pour love into her, not seeping away She grows, trusts, and speaks her truth Looking at her eyes in a mirror, she smiles Remembering the sunny child she was Restore the blueprint of unconditional lo


Hello beautiful souls! Welcome to Loving My Soul . This post is based on my Alchemy YouTube video . Because I occasionally talk about alchemy, I wanted to discuss what it is and what it means to me. When I was young, possibly starting as early as grade school and definitely in high school, alchemy kept coming up for me. I would read books that would mention alchemy or that certain historical figures were, or were thought to have been alchemists, such as Sir Isaac Newton. I did a report about Newton for my high school freshman science class, and I remember reading about the "philosopher's stone" and "elixir of life", and  wanted to know more. During that period, I also discovered that much of the information about alchemy was encoded and used symbols, like the Ouroboros (the snake that is eating it's own tail). I was incredibly intrigued by the cryptic nature of alchemy and what secrets it held. Alchemy kept coming up again and again, synchronistically,

Happiness - Figuring Out Our Own Recipes - Part 1

Hello beautiful souls! My name is Kathryn Palacio, and welcome to Loving My Soul . This post is based on my Happiness - Figuring Out Our Own Recipes YouTube video , which was inspired by a conversation at dinner one night last year, when the topic of happiness was raised. When I mentioned that I was 98% happy, the people at this dinner were astounded and wondered how that was even possible. With that in mind, what exactly is the recipe for happiness, are happy people those who have had easy lives, is there some magical formula for happiness, do happy people have to work to become happy, and how to we cultivate happiness in our own lives? At the aforementioned dinner, I was friends with one of the people present, we'll call her Mary, but didn't know the others. During dinner, the conversation turned to how my life goal, or the happiest I would be in corporate America, was to be a happiness coach because I feel it would bring working in corporate American and my life's pas

Everyone Is Doing The Best They Can

Hello beautiful souls! Welcome to Loving My Soul . Because my last major blog post was on a pretty intense subject, eating disorders, I want to take some time to talk about the perspective I have for anyone who was feeling shame or guilt from the discussion of some of my life experiences in my videos or on my blog, as well as for anyone who feels that have wronged or been wronged. How many times have we been in the situation where we have felt wronged, have done wrong, or feel like we didn't do enough; and more importantly, how do we free ourselves from those feelings? For me personally, I typically have a really good memory, which can allow the memories of wrong doing to linger. Sometimes we may hold on to that trespass more/longer than the other person does. A huge step for me to learn how to get past feeling wronged or feeling bad for having done wrong was to realize that, "Everyone is doing the best they can given their current circumstances, thoughts, fears, and be


Strength is... Being shell shocked and blindsided Rocked to your core Plunged into the dark, jagged abyss Overcome by pain and bitterness A suffocating weight on your chest Deciding to rise again to face the day Letting the music and light of the world creep in Pulling back from the precipice Choosing to live again Finding the lessons in the pain Stepping out after the storm has passed Admiring the world washed clean Ready to heal old wounds To change for the better Opening your heart more than you ever thought possible - Kathryn Palacio Loving My Soul Facebook: Instagram:  lovingmysoul1111 YouTube:  Kathryn Palacio                   Website: Check out  Kathryn Palacio's other poems on Loving My Soul

Golden-Platinum Light

Golden-Platinum Light View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kathryn Palacio (@lovingmysoul1111) on Sep 9, 2016 at 9:18pm PDT If I tell you my story, Let you look deep inside me Will you pity me wholly, completely Will you see how I have risen From crushing pain and fear Into worthiness and love Healing my broken pieces From an unbreakable foundation Painting them with golden-platinum light Letting my soul shine through Lighting the world around me as I breathe Sharing that spark with others Feeling truly alive and free Breathing love into my speech Being fully, authentically, daringly me Burning in beautiful glory Magick shimmering around me At one with who I am - Kathryn Palacio Loving My Soul Facebook: Instagram:  lovingmysoul1111 YouTube:  Kathryn Palacio                   Website:  www.lovingmysoul.c

Forgotten Goddess

Forgotten Goddess Head hanging low, tears staining her eyes She sighs under the weight of frustration Not understanding how life is unfolding Faintly, her heart shimmers softly With luminous light and star-stuff Whispering for her to remember Calling her back to her soul sweetly Echoing her forgotten worthiness Shining majestically under layers A peacock, seeing not her radiant plumage Flashes of color here and there Knowing she's meant for far more As she struggles to blend in, yet out of place Numbing herself in various ways Her heart sings the fervent melody of truth Missing and longing for a place she's never seen Feeling homesick for where she's never been Driven to do something, without knowing what Fearing vulnerability, she hides her heart Carrying the sword of a hardened warrior Fighting all challenges that come her way Worn out by struggle and wretchedly lost Hand on her heart she prays for help D